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Grayson Thompson

Being raised in the household of a physician, Grayson has always been driven to “make people healthier.” In particular, he is interested in the social determinants that influence healthcare outcomes. The push toward value-based care has inspired Grayson to work with companies prioritizing population health over fee-for-service incentive structures. Since joining Oxeon, Grayson has led executive searches across the Welsh Carson Anderson & Stowe, Rubicon Founders, Oak HC/FT, Harbour Point Capital, and Town Hall Ventures portfolios focused primarily on c-suite and board placements. Beyond his day-to-day search work, Grayson is also a member of the Break Into the Boardroom team that has placed over 70 women on healthcare boards to promote gender diversity. Grayson grew up in Greensboro, North Carolina, and received a Bachelor of Arts in Molecular and Cellular Biology as well as a Master of Arts in Medicine, Health, and Society from Vanderbilt University. Outside of the office, you can find Grayson attending concerts across Nashville, playing the guitar, or rolling jiu-jitsu.

Being raised in the household of a physician, Grayson has always been driven to “make people healthier.” In particular, he is interested in the social determinants that influence healthcare outcomes. The push toward value-based care has inspired Grayson to work with companies prioritizing population health over fee-for-service incentive structures. Since joining Oxeon, Grayson has led executive searches across the Welsh Carson Anderson & Stowe, Rubicon Founders, Oak HC/FT, Harbour Point Capital, and Town Hall Ventures portfolios focused primarily on c-suite and board placements.

Beyond his day-to-day search work, Grayson is also a member of the Break Into the Boardroom team that has placed over 70 women on healthcare boards to promote gender diversity. Grayson grew up in Greensboro, North Carolina, and received a Bachelor of Arts in Molecular and Cellular Biology as well as a Master of Arts in Medicine, Health, and Society from Vanderbilt University.

Outside of the office, you can find Grayson attending concerts across Nashville, playing the guitar, or rolling jiu-jitsu.

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